Sustainable living in the Peruvian Amazon

It required a detour. But it was worth the journey. CISU has approved our application for funding to support sustainable living for indigenous peoples in the Peruvian Amazon.

In September last year, we applied and were rejected. There was, as they say, ‘room for improvement’ in the application. In particular, the civil society perspective needed to be strengthened. Developing teacher training and sustainability was fine, but civil society engagement and collaboration with education needed to be strengthened. And so it was in the new application for CISU’s March 2022 round. And now we can get started.

The project will run for 3 years, starting July 2022. With a budget of just over DKK 2.7 million, the focus will be on strengthening the interaction between education, indigenous peoples’ organization and indigenous peoples’ rights to their own land – and the collaboration between education and civil society.

Amazonian indigenous peoples are key players in the future of the Amazon rainforest. In Peru, the main source of greenhouse gases is deforestation, which is primarily due to the expansion of agricultural land. It is therefore of particular relevance in the fight against climate change to empower Amazonian indigenous peoples to defend their territories and develop productive activities that are alternatives to deforestation-for-agriculture. 

The right education and a critical-constructive collaboration between education and civil society are essential to strengthen the active participation of indigenous peoples in the struggle for the sustainable use of the rainforest.

Read more on CICED’s website

The full project document can be read here

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