It’s a cold time….

By: Johnny Baltzersen,

It’s a cold time we live in, sing Kim Larsen and Gasolin’ in the song ‘Østre Gasværk’. This is also the case for the children at the Children’s Ger in Ulaanbaatar. Literally. Winter can bring minus forty. Here in mid-December, the temperature has crept down to -25 degrees.

All the children at Children’s Ger, along with their parents, can also sing the fourth verse of the Østre Gasværk song:

I don’t have any money
And no job
It’s been that way for a long time
God knows if it ever –
Ever quit

On the other hand, they don’t have to rely on Lange Lone, who plays the violin.
They have some amazing friends at Ryparken Lille Skole.

For the ninth year in a row, children, parents and teachers at Ryparken Lille Skole have used the school’s exercise day to raise money for their friendship school Children’s Ger.

New record: 12,319 kroner. Simply FORMIDABLE. Thank you so much!

As always, the money was donated in full to Children’s Ger, who promptly converted the wonderful gift into warm winter clothes for all the students and their siblings. Since day one, it has been a principle at Children’s Ger that not only the students in the school, but also their siblings are included in the school’s care and support.

Photos from this year’s shopping and distribution of warm winter clothes:

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Debatmøde om lokalt ledet udvikling

- d. 26. november 2024

Hvordan kan vi arbejde med og blive bedre til at sikre udvikling, der er forankret lokalt? Mange frivillige organisationer og NGO’er samarbejder tæt med lokale organisationer og samfund i det globale syd for at forbedre levevilkår, fremme rettigheder og meget mere.

Men at arbejde ’nedefra og op’ og have et ’deltagerorienteret’ fokus har også nogle faldgruber, som kan forhindre de gode intentioner i at blive fuldt ud realiseret.

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