It was a surprise

Corona no obstacle for gifts 

The children taken to bed. Literally. In some cases. This is what Saraa and Tungaa from Children’s Ger write after a wonderful International Children’s Day. June 1.

There’s always a party at Children’s Ger on International Children’s Day, June 1st. The day includes a feast and gifts, singing and playing. But this year, a corona virus got in the way. School is closed and the kids are locked up at home.

And for most kids, toys and games to pass the time are non-existent. That’s why a few weeks ago we asked CICED supporters for a donation to buy gifts for the International Children’s Day.

This amounted to almost 15,000 kroner. And gifts for all the children and their siblings. And a little extra for a nice meal at home for the occasion.

Saraa and Tunga got busy shopping for gifts and food. And distributing to all the families. It went all day. June 1 with. And some were still snoring. No one expected gifts and visits in these corona times.

Over 60 children and their families got a wonderful surprise.

Thank you so much for the contributions.

In the photo gallery below you can see the total gift shop, packing of food bags and examples of distribution.

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Debatmøde om lokalt ledet udvikling

- d. 26. november 2024

Hvordan kan vi arbejde med og blive bedre til at sikre udvikling, der er forankret lokalt? Mange frivillige organisationer og NGO’er samarbejder tæt med lokale organisationer og samfund i det globale syd for at forbedre levevilkår, fremme rettigheder og meget mere.

Men at arbejde ’nedefra og op’ og have et ’deltagerorienteret’ fokus har også nogle faldgruber, som kan forhindre de gode intentioner i at blive fuldt ud realiseret.

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