CICED has become a teenager

By: Johnny Baltzeren  

CICED has become a teenager. Yesterday we held our 13th annual general meeting.  

The report tells of the challenges during the corona crisis, the global loss of learning during school closures, but also how our skilled partners have navigated our joint projects well through the unusual conditions. We focus on some of the challenges that the war in Ukraine also poses from an aid policy perspective.

Moving 2 billion kroner from the world’s poorest to Ukrainian refugees gets a few words of concern. We also allow ourselves to express doubts about the unambiguous rightness of sending billions and billions for more weapons at a time when the world is crying out for more resources to combat climate change and meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Speaking of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, the CICED report was written before the Danish government presented its so-called ‘report on the development of development cooperation’. The UN Sustainable Development Goals are not mentioned with a single word in the report. This is really worrying and it unfortunately underlines that CICED is doing due diligence when we write in the work program for the coming year:

“In addition to further deterioration of the size of development aid, we will pay particular attention to the risk of deterioration of popular and political support for Danish development aid. For good reason, all media focus is currently on the war in Ukraine, oil and gas deliveries, rising heating and food prices and other atrocities stemming from the assault on Ukraine.

We will do what we can to remind people that there are still SDGs to be achieved and that – even with CICED’s modest size – we can actually make a difference for lots of people in the world’s poorest areas”.

Click on report and work program

Strong economy

The general assembly was able to note that with liquid assets of just over half a million Danish kroner, no debt and no significant current expenses, CICED’s finances are quite solid. We have therefore also set aside DKK 200,000 in 2022 to supplement efforts on ongoing projects .

At the extraordinary general assembly in 2021, CICED’s boardshrank to5 members. Of these, two were up for election at the 2022 AGM and both were re-elected. The Board of Directors constituted itself immediately after the general meeting. No changes.

Johnny Baltzersen, Chairperson; Jette Luna, Vice Chairperson; Katinka Hoydal, Secretary; Sven Kjær Nielsen, Treasurer; Rita Tisdall. The board meets once a month and otherwise as needed.

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- d. 26. november 2024

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