Eulogy – Leo H. Knudsen

Chairman of CICED for almost 10 years, Leo H. Knudsen, passed away after a long illness. July 24, 2020. Leo was just 77 years old. 

Leo was a bundle of energy. And kindness itself. Focused, dedicated and efficient in everything he engaged in. Leo was a force to be reckoned with. He was safe and reliable in all collaborations. It was never far from words to action. Tasks with Leo at the helm always came to a safe harbor.

Leo’s involvement with CICED began back in the early 1990s. As a Master of Education. in mathematics from the Danish School of Teacher Education, he was a consultant for the development of the mathematics subject at the start of the Danish aid to Mongolia’s school sector.

Leo fell in love with Mongolia, and from his position as school director in Hillerød, he established a long-standing collaboration with the school administration in Mongolia’s second largest city, Darkhan.

In the wake of the structural reform in 2005, Leo had passed on the CEO job in Hillerød, and there was time for other challenges. He was therefore the right person to coordinate CICED’s engagement in developing education in the exiled Tibetan community in India.

Until the fall of 2018, Leo made two annual working visits to Dharamsala. Leo became a much-loved and respected friend of the exiled Tibetan community, and he has a huge part to play in the absolute recognition of Danish aid.

When it became clear in 2010 that the ‘old’ CICED could not develop any further as part of the University College UCC, Leo was immediately on board with the idea of ‘CICED as an NGO’.

Alongside his work as coordinator of the project with the exiled Tibetan community, Leo was president of CICED from its foundation in November 2010 until the 2019 General Assembly, when his health unfortunately put an end to his work.

Leo is no more.
But his energy, commitment
and wonderful being remains.

In honor of his memory.

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Johnny Baltzersen
President, CICED

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