The overall purpose of the intervention is to improve young deaf persons’ options to enter the formal labour
market and/or establish their own small business in Tanzania and thus improve their chances for decent
While Tanzania has ratified all relevant international conventions on human rights and the rights
of people with disabilities and has its own valuable legislation, nothing much has happened in real life.
Thus, the intervention will focus on know-your-rights and offer skills workshops for young deaf persons, who will
also be supported in job-seeking activities or business establishment and planning; advocacy campaigns will
target employers, vocational training centres and duty bearers at the national level and in three target
regions, i.e., Iringa, Mtwara and Tanga.
Guidelines will be drafted to support employers and training centres.
The organisation of the deaf, CHAVITA, will enhance its capacities to campaign and advocate for decent jobs
or business options for the Deaf, and a national action plan will emerge based on lessons learnt and good