
Better School Start
Better School Life

Project start-finish



2,750,000 DKK


Mongolian Association for Primary and Secondary School Development / MAPSSD

About Project

This new joint MAPSSD-CICED project has two main objectives:

One: home-based support for preschoolers’ all-round development. The initiative includes nomadic families and their children aged 3-5 years, i.e. children who do not have the opportunity to attend kindergarten.

Two: developing better and more family-like care and recreational opportunities for children in rural schools’ boarding departments

During the first year of the project, the 62 local branches of MAPSSD, in close cooperation with local authorities, will identify families to be involved in the program of home-based support for the all-round development of preschool children.

Parents will be introduced to the program and agreements around support and collaboration will be drawn up.

Existing learning materials will be identified and new materials and guides will be developed. Among the materials that will be included in the ‘package’ will be traditional as well as modern games that improve, for example, children’s motor skills, language skills, creative and rational thinking.

The current conditions in the boarding departments will also be analyzed and plans will be made to improve the conditions towards a family-like, child-friendly care and learning atmosphere.

After training staff to implement and coordinate the two main activities and holding regional workshops in August 2020, all MAPSSD chapters will fully participate in the implementation of the project.

Expected situation at the end of the project:
  • Home-based educational development program for preschool children is operational in all 62 rural areas.
  • Up to 80% of all nomadic families and more than 2000 children have been involved in the home-based educational development program
  • 80% of the boarding houses in the rural schools in the involved rural areas have improved their social, cultural and learning conditions, and the boarding houses are more family-like and caring places to stay.
  • Funding is secured for the continuation and expansion of the home-based educational development program and for the continued maintenance of stimulating and caring boarding departments in rural schools.


The reverse migration

1. April 2024 Johnny Baltzersen

(Reading time 3 min.)Across the world, migration flows from country to city. Also, in Mongolia, difficult living conditions in the countryside and the dream of a more comfortable life are driving people to the capital, Ulaanbaatar and the country's two...

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Mongolian zud – not just a harsh winter

21. March 2024 Johnny Baltzersen

There are many kinds of zud. And it's not just a very cold winter with lots of snow, as it's often mistakenly described. Zudis a recurring endemic disaster[i] with many variations, but what they all have in common is that it leads to mass deaths of...

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Tireless Ryparken Lille Skole

21. December 2023 Johnny Baltzersen

Reading time: 2 min. A few days before the fall break this school year, CICED was once again invited to Ryparken Lille Skole to talk about Mongolia and Children's Ger. It's a wonderful tradition that began on Schools' Exercise Day...

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6. December 2023 Johnny Baltzersen

The material for this article, which describes Mongolia's handling of the coronavirus outbreak, not least in relation to the education sector, was collected by the two authors between the end of February and the beginning of December. March 8. In...

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Living in the dormitory is good, but there is room for improvement

19. November 2023 Johnny Baltzersen

"I don't think the people in the ministry have ever stayed in a dormitory, or they have to write wishful thinking. Because the standards are impossible to meet. We simply don't have the resources to make wishful thinking a reality....

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Listening added to reading materials

25. September 2023 Johnny Baltzersen

By: Johnny Baltzersen, CICED This is the first part of the story from an extended visit to our Mongolian partner this summer. Over the course of five weeks, we traveled almost 4300 km to attend three regional workshops with local...

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Wow, this is so exciting

18. November 2022 Johnny Baltzersen

The first taste of school - five-year-old nomadic children in Mongolia By: Johnny Baltzersen   "It's such a pleasure to see the children's faces light up with excitement when they receive the package of books, games, pencils and colors. Some children...

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A little better day by day

24. October 2022 Johnny Baltzersen

By: Johnny Baltzersen  Students say that day by day it gets a little more cozy, a little more comfortable and safe. And fun. Living in school feeding centers in rural Mongolia, where CICED, together with our Mongolian partner MAPSSD, is...

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It’s a cold time….

13. December 2021 Johnny Baltzersen

By: Johnny Baltzersen, It's a cold time we live in, sing Kim Larsen and Gasolin' in the song 'Østre Gasværk'. This is also the case for the children at the Children's Ger in Ulaanbaatar. Literally. Winter can bring minus forty....

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A great start to the new school year

30. November 2021 Johnny Baltzersen

Johnny Baltzersen  It's almost too cliché, but still: The new school year in Mongolia is well underway. From mid-September, Altanzul has been hanging in the pipe and above the keyboard. Every day. Hours and hours. Altanzul is the day-to-day coordinator...

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Good to get back to school

30. September 2021 Johnny Baltzersen

By: Johnny Baltzersen, CICED, There were happy smiles behind the corona masks as Children's Ger welcomed students back to school on September 15, two weeks later than usual. - Not all the students are here yet, says Saraa, Administrative...

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It’s going in the right direction

24. September 2021 Johnny Baltzersen

By: Johnny Baltzersen  In Denmark, we are pleased that all corona restrictions have been put on hold. Occasionally, we also hear about the corona situation in countries close to us, but Danish media do not report much on how COVID-19...

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Longing for biscuits

23. April 2021 Johnny Baltzersen

By Johnny Baltzersen  - Of course, kids are homesick sometimes. This is mostly among six and seven year olds. For older students, it's more variable. Many of them often prefer to stay at school, even if they can go home...

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Restrictions and ambitions

6. April 2021 Johnny Baltzersen

By: Johnny Baltzersen  It could be better. With COVID-19 in Mongolia. But there is hope. We have previously described how the country kept the infection down throughout 2020, with very few cases and no deaths recorded. Schools and universities have...

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Back to school – Mongolia

23. March 2021 Johnny Baltzersen

By Johnny Baltzersen  'It felt like the first day of school on September 1, when I came back to school on the 1st. March 1. It was great to be with my family, but I missed all the other students...

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The Indomitable

26. February 2021 Johnny Baltzersen

Despite corona and biting winter cold. The materials have to go!  The 5-year-old nomadic children should have a good start to school this summer. Mongolian teachers on the steppes are resourceful and resilient. A picture is worth a thousand words,...

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Most dangerous school roads – Mongolia

3. February 2021 Johnny Baltzersen

By: Johnny Baltzersen  It's familiar. You're looking for something specific and discover something completely unexpected along the way. A few days ago, I was searching the internet for data and stories that could help shed light on CICED's slogan 'better...

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School – close in, close up, close in

22. January 2021 Johnny Baltzersen

It's becoming trivial to remind people that 2020 was an exceptional year.  But we can't get enough of remembering and recognizing all those who have gone the extra mile during the coronavirus outbreak. The staff at Children's Ger are among...

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What you can experience on the last day of the year

11. January 2021 Johnny Baltzersen

It has taken its time. Getting off the beaten track. Corona was - and is - in the way. But when you do succeed, the joy is great. Watch this shortvideo of an exuberantly happy 5-year-old boy in a nomadic...

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Not all children back in Children’s Ger

10. September 2020 Johnny Baltzersen

By Johnny Baltzersen, Chair, CICED  September 1 is the start of school in Mongolia. New students in first grade bring flowers for the teacher. Others are just happy to see their friends again after a long summer vacation. This year,...

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It was a surprise

2. June 2020 Johnny Baltzersen

Corona no obstacle for gifts  The children taken to bed. Literally. In some cases. This is what Saraa and Tungaa from Children's Ger write after a wonderful International Children's Day. June 1. There's always a party at Children's Ger on...

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It’s going to be a great kids’ day for Children’s Ger!

13. March 2020 Johnny Baltzersen

Recently, we told you about the children in the Children's Ger in Mongolia who can't get out and don't have much indoor recreation. We encouraged you to make a donation so that Children's Ger teachers Saraa and Tunga could celebrate...

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When the kids don’t come to school – the teacher has to come to the kids

10. March 2020 Johnny Baltzersen

By: Johnny Baltzersen, CICED  'We visit the children every week. Then they get new homework and corrected homework assignments back, and we talk to them about how they're doing and see if they need extra help,' Saraa and Tunga tell...

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Planning is in full swing

3. February 2020 Johnny Baltzersen

by Johnny Baltzersen, CICED chair.  The kick-off conference for the Better School Start-Better School Life project in Mongolia was in early November 2019. Over two hundred participants from 63 rural areas attended, along with representatives from the Mongolian Ministry of...

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Better School Start – Better School Life

8. November 2019 Johnny Baltzersen

By: Johnny Baltzersen, CICED  CICED has started a new project in Mongolia. This new joint MAPSSD-CICED project has two main goals: - One, to support home-based early childhood education for children of pastoralist families. Children who have no opportunities of...

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More sweet and less green, please!

8. November 2019 Johnny Baltzersen

By: Johnny Baltzersen, CICED  It is believed that nomadic children in Mongolia grow up with mutton and noodle soup as their daily diet and arul (dried milk product) as the main sweets. But apparently that was in the good old...

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